What is a Peepal Tree: Top Secrets of a Mystery Tree

A Peepal Tree

Would you like to know what a peepal tree is? From my research, Indian mythology calls the peepal tree the ‘Tree of Life’ or ‘World Tree.’

The peepal tree, Ficus religiosa, is a Morceau family fig tree and bodhi tree variety.

Latin ‘Ficus’ means ‘fig,’ the fruit of the tree, and ‘Religiosa’ means ‘religion,’ which Buddhism and Hinduism revere.

Thus, it is called a ‘Sacred fig.’ This large tree is commonly planted near temples and religious locations.

The huge, long-lived fig tree (Ficus religiosa) is native to India and southeastern Asia and typically grows as an epiphyte.

A breeze blows through two peepuls and a neem.

A huge dry-season deciduous or semi-evergreen tree, Ficus religiosa can grow to 30 meters (98 ft) tall and 3 meters (9.8 ft) wide.

The cordate leaves have a prolonged drip tip and measure 10-17 cm (3.9-6.7 in) long, 8-12 cm (3.1-4.7 in) wide, with a 6-10 cm (2.4-3.9 in) petiole.

Miniature figs 1–1.5 cm (0.39–0.59 in) wide mature green to purple. As you read on, I’ll further explain the topic.

Now, let’s get started.

How do you grow Peepal from Seed

Growing a peepul tree from seed is like growing other plants and trees. The exception is that Peepul seeds need high humidity.

  • Do not mix “humid” with “sopping wet.”
  • Overwatering seeds causes mold and reduces germination.
  • Before planting, immerse Peepal tree seeds in water for 24 hours.
  • The stiff seed coat will relax and enable water to permeate.
  • After soaking, sow seeds in a small pot or seedling tray with wet potting soil—plant peepal tree seeds 1 inch deep.
  • To protect the seeds, press down on them after covering them with a thin coating of dirt.
  • Make sure not to moisten the soil too much.
  • Wet the soil and keep it warm. Place the dish or pot on a window sill to let in light and heat.
  • Use plastic wrap or a see-through bag to cover the pot and retain moisture.
  • In a few weeks, you should be able to observe the seedlings of the Peepal tree.
  • Remove the plastic and water regularly once the sprouts are 2 inches tall.

In a few days, the seeds will sprout. They may be grown from cuttings too.

What is Special About the Peepal Tree

Traditional remedies include peepal tree leaf juice for cough, asthma, diarrhea, ear discomfort, wound healing, toothache, hematuria (blood in urine), migraine, scabies, eye difficulties, and gastrointestinal issues.

Peepal tree stem bark may treat paralysis, gonorrhea, bone fractures, diarrhea, and diabetes.

Peepal tree leaves are anti-bacterial and cure many illnesses.

Peepal trees are environmentally significant.

Its deep-rooting mechanism conserves soil and prevents erosion.

The peepal tree symbolizes sustainability in the face of climate change and environmental degradation.

It is a powerful symbol and tool for environmental activism owing to its resilience, biodiversity preservation, and air quality enhancement.

Peepal trees are critical to many habitats, generating oxygen and promoting environmental health.

Peepal bark and fruit aid asthma.

Pulverize the bark and fruits separately and blend them equally.

For asthma treatment, use this combination three times a day.

Powdered peepal fruit with water twice a day can also treat asthma.

Try this for 14 days to feel better.

What is the Lifespan of a Peepal Tree

Environmental circumstances, care, and species affect peepal tree longevity.

Some publications report peepal tree lifespans of 2500 years, although most estimate 150–220 years.

Tree diseases, environmental changes, and human activity can also shorten tree lifespans.

Peepal and Bodhi trees are available. Peepal has a rich mythology and folklore.

Most Eastern religions value this herb. Gautama Buddha obtained enlightenment while sitting under the Bodhi tree, also known as the Paras Peepal in Hindi.

It is luckier than a Peepal tree. Buddhists consider it their holiest plant. This tree is called the Awakening Tree. India is home to the Bodhi tree.

The tree generates more oxygen than a conventional Peepal tree; Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain cultures value it.

Organisms’ lifespans are measured from birth until natural death. Different species have different lifespans. Peepal and banyan trees live similarly.

The Peepal tree has a lifespan of 900-1,500 years on average.

This species has been seen in its natural habitat for over 3,000 years.  Banyan trees live 200–300 years. Longest lifespan of any living being.

What is the Secret of the Peepal Tree

Many religions and cultures revere the peepal tree (Ficus religiosa).

Its religious and scientific significance is well recognized.

Religion Matters:

In Hinduism, the peepal tree represents Lord Vishnu and symbolizes knowledge, longevity, and fertility.

Buddhists consider it the tree where Lord Buddha obtained enlightenment.

Scientific Importance:

The peepal tree is scientifically significant.

Asthma, diabetes, and skin problems are some conditions this plant helps alleviate in Ayurvedic therapy.

Peepal tree bark is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial; its leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Beyond its medical effects, the peepal tree has environmental advantages.

Excellent air purifier that removes contaminants.

The tree prevents soil erosion and shelters birds and other animals.

Many civilizations and faiths revere the peepal tree.

Its medical and environmental properties are acknowledged.

Native to India, Ficus religiosa is the sacred fig.

It is called the bodhi tree, pipelay tree, peepul tree, peepal tree, pipal tree, or Ashwatthama tree.

Three Indian religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism—value the sacred fig.

I am the peepul tree (holy fig tree), Lord Krishna declared in Gita.

The holy peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) is native to India.

It was the first tree found at a seal at Mohenjo-Daro, Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3000–1700 BE). Its light, silky bark peels into pieces.

Its heart-shaped leaves have long, diminishing tips, and its organic product is purple.

Its wood was used to produce touch fire in the Vedic period.

According to Upanishads, the peepal fruit symbolizes the body, which is external and feels and appreciates things.

At the same time, the seed represents the spirit, which is hidden and has the potential for new life.

Why do we Pray to Peepal Tree

Vasudeva, the peepal tree, is Hinduism’s holiest.

Sanatan Dharma calls Peepal the Gods’ Tree.

Deities are thought to live on every tree leaf.

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu live in the Peepal tree on Saturdays.

To get pleasure and luck, worship the Peepal tree.

Worshipping Peepal calms your governing planets and brings pleasure and wealth.

According to the Bhaga Ved Gita, Krishna remarked, “I am the peepal tree among the other trees.”

Kaliyuga is also said to originate under this devout tree!

Hinduism is the oldest religion.

Hindu rituals and deities foster devotion and religion.

Every creation is equal to God in this faith.

It also stresses tree worship.

The Hindu texts identify trees as a god, indicating that tree worship is ancient.

Several plants are holy. The Peepal tree is revered.

Ashvath, the Sanskrit word for tree, is the earliest pictured tree.

It is said to represent Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma.

The religious importance and adoration of it span ages.

Red holy threads may have been strung around the peepal tree. This page explains this sacred tree’s importance and functions.

The Peepal is one of the few trees that gives up oxygen at night. Thus, we have linked it to God and religion to protect it since ancient times.

What is the Scientific Reason for Worshipping the Peepal Tree

During the day, the tree releases a lot of oxygen, purifying and oxygenating the air.

Traditional medicine uses the peepal tree to treat respiratory, digestive, and skin issues.

The tree’s wood is used to build furniture, sculptures, and decorations, while its leaves and bark make paper.

using any Pipal tree part to address various health issues.

This tree treats 50 illnesses, including diarrhea, epilepsy, and stomach issues.

Pouring water into, worshiping, and circling the tree brings renown, prosperity, happiness, and luck.

The peepal tree listens and reacts to your needs as a realized soul.

Planetary transits cause a lot of trouble, but you can overcome it. Chanting Hanuman Chalisa while worshiping the Peepal tree at night on Amavasya or the new moon is suggested.

Lord Vishnu created the peepal tree, whereas Lord Krishna is its stem.

Lord Narayan is the branch, while Lord Hari lives in the leaves and deities which constitute the tree’s fruit.

The respected Peepal Tree is Ashwattha.

Hindus consider this tree extremely holy.

Final thought

Now that we have established what a peepal tree is, English calls Peepal Tree (Ficus Religiosa) Sacred Fig. Ficus Religiosa is called Peepal in Hindi.

Indian subcontinent and surrounding regions are home to peepal trees.

Mostly a warm-weather tree.

From the fig family.

This plant is Ficus (Moraceae).

Ficus religiosa, the sacred fig, is a Moraceae fig or mulberry endemic to India and Indochina.

In India and Nepal, it is called the bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, or ashwattha tree.

The sacred fig is revered in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, three Indian faiths.

It is said that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under this tree, and ascetics of the Hindu and Jain faiths often meditate here.

Traditional medicine treats around 50 diseases using Ficus religiosa, including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastrointestinal issues, inflammatory disorders, infections, and sexual disorders.

***Note: The content of this post is purely informational.

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